
Viewing 65 - 76 out of 76 posts


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How To Treat Ear Infections In Your Pet

Ear infections can be painful and can easily go undetected if you don’t keep a close eye on your pet. In fact, ear infections are some of the most common Read More

How To Keep Your Pet Safe This Halloween?

All Hallows Eve, also known as All Saints’ Eve is wildly believed to originate from the Celtic harvest festivals and passed down to the early American settlers. It began as Read More

Should You Put Your Pet On A Raw Food Diet?

The raw food diet, also known as rawism, is the practice of eating uncooked and unprocessed food. The basic idea is that you’re getting back to the natural way of Read More

Should You Treat Your Dog With Medical Marijuana?

With the legalization of cannabis in October, Canada’s veterinarians have begun to explore the idea of giving pot to pets as a replacement for pain medication and to reduce anxiety in high strung animals. Some Read More

Are Pumpkins Good Treats For Dogs?

ARE PUMPKINS GOOD TREATS FOR DOGS?  It’s almost Fall and the Pumpkin-flavoured food is everywhere – pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, and pumpkin cookies. It’s a delicious treat for humans but can dogs eat pumpkin, Read More

Tips On How To Enjoy Horse Summer Camp

It’s every girl’s dream to go to horse summer camp and take riding lessons. Horse camp allows you the freedom to learn new skills and develop new friends – both Read More

Surprisingly Dangerous Foods For Dogs

Some people love feeding their animals at the dinner table. For many, it’s hard to resist giving their dog a lick of something tasty at the bottom of a bowl Read More

What Pets Are Perfect For Seniors?

One of the biggest issues facing seniors in today’s generation is loneliness, especially as their friends and family members slowly pass away. One of the best ways to combat this Read More

What To Think About Before Adopting A Pet

Pets are a popular companion and they’re hard to say no to especially when they’re small and cute, but saying yes to a pet means saying yes forever. Unfortunately, because Read More

How To Prevent Dog Bites

There are an estimated 500,000 dog bites per year in Canada with three-quarters of the victims under the age of 10. Most of these are not serious and are only warning nips Read More

Should BC Have An Animal Abuse Registry?

In more American States, animal abusers might have to be registered like sex offenders. At the moment there are 11 States which have animal abuse legislation pending, and a growing number of municipalities Read More

BC becomes the second province in Canada to outlaw declawing

Although declawing cats is not as popular as it once was, it is still a prevalent practice across Canada and the United States. However BC just recently became one of Read More

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